Monday, August 29, 2005

Handed in my noitce yesterday!

The day finally cames yesterday and I handed in my notice. I thought it would feel fantastic (which it did in a way) but all I wanted to do was to go back home! Gutted that I have to stay there for another month. Can't imagine me having much input there now though - hopefully nobody will bother trying to encourage me to sell, sell, sell in my last month - if they do it'll be a waste of their energy!

I went to bed with a right stinking head ache last night. I can't stop thinking about everything and struggle to relax at night time. Like I've said before, Gray finishes work on 28th October and we hope to fly out on 14th November (no confirmation of flights booked yet) and last night Gray mentioned that the redundancy money may take a little longer to come through - shit! We need to get everything paid off before we leave and we also need the remainder of the money to take with us! On the last day Gray should get two months pay packets anyway so that should tide us over a little while. I think we'll probably end up living on our UK credit card when we first get out there if there worse comes to the worse. God things are never straight forward are they!

Gotta get ready for work now (not happy about that at all). Only 19 more shifts to go though - please let it fly by!!

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