Monday, November 21, 2005

Things are never simple!

Things never seem to flow smoothly in the Font household these days! I had to visit my thyroid specialist last week and it has been decided that my thyroid should be removed. I explained to him that we were due to fly to Australia on 10th January and he has said the chances of it being completed by then are pretty remote. Even if they do operate on me before that time I will still need to be monitored for a number of weeks/months afterwards to check my thyroxine & calcium levels! Gray is absolutely gutted understandably because he just wants to know one way or the other what our future holds (and where!).

On the upside Danielle had her 6th birthday this weekend and we had a great time. She had her birthday party on Thursday (26 children in total!), we went to Cardiffs Winter Wonderland on Saturday and then on Sunday she had a friend with her for the day and we took them to a farm to feed animals - really nice time had by all!

Take care all!