Sunday, March 12, 2006

Its getting close now!

I had another 'leaving do' last night! Well I say leaving do - a friend of mine who I dont get to see very often (Jules) came around the house for wine and a meal (take away obviously!!) with her daughter Emma. It was a really nice night and it was great to catch up. Hopefully she'll be coming out to visit us in Oz sometime.

Its only 10 days now until Pickfords are here and then we leave 8 days after that. All of a sudden it seems to have come around really quickly. The house is like a tip constantly as we have very little furniture to store clothing etc and so it is stacked up in the bedrooms! We've now made the spare room our 'items to go on the ship' room and so everything else is banned. Although this means the spare room is fairly organised it also means the other two bedrooms are even more disorganised! I'm planning on tackling that this week though so all should be in hand by the end of the week.

Danielle finishes school Friday along with Gray finishing work. Shes coping really well with everything at the moment bless her - I'm really proud of her.

The packers will be here 22nd 23rd & 24th March. We're staying in a hotel on the 24th and then driving up to Holyhead on the 25th - back to Monmouth on 27th and then onto a hotel at Heathrow on 29th ready to fly on 30th!!

I'll try and keep this up to date as much as I can but obviously we're going to be pretty busy the next two weeks. Not sure what sort of internet connection I'll have when we arrive either. We're sending the desk top by ship but I'll have the laptop with me.

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