Monday, April 17, 2006

Sydney Show and a lovely train ride afterwards!!

Well it was Grays last day of freedom today (starts work tomorrow) so we thought we'd get the Easter show in before he started! Jesus Christ it was so busy it was unbelievable - if you havent been before it is absolutely HUGE and there was barely walking space today - crazy! A great show though with loads to do (loads of money spinning schemes too!!!). We spent 4 hours walking around it and still missed loads out.

To top it off on the train ride home there was a flamin druggy on the phone to all of his mates trying to score some more gear!! Couldnt believe it - he was obviously speeding his head off (couldnt sit still and was almost chewing his own face off!) and was trying to get hold of a gram of weed to bring himself back down (his words not ours! he was making no secret of it on the phone - the entire flamin train could hear him!). We were considering living in the village next to us but thats where this lad got off the train so we're reconsidering now!!!!

On that note I'm cracking open a bottle of beer (or 4!) and gonna try and relax!

Have a good evening all!

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