Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Two viewings set up for when we're away!

Estate Agents have just phoned and we've now got two viewings set up for when we're on holiday. One of them hasn't yet sold their house so I'm not really thinking about that one but the others are going to rent out their existing hour so that would be ideal - no chain! Wish us luck everyong - reckon we're gonna need it!

Had a really stressful night last night. We lost Danielles favourite teddy (which shes had from when she was a baby!) . Finally located it in the shops this morning - how lucky was that! Going on holiday tomorrow without him would have been a nightmare - panic over now though thankfully!

Gotta start tidying the house now so that its ready for viewings while we're away! We've got a financial advisor coming tomorrow morning too to discuss our mortgage options if we decide to rent it out. Like I said before we'll make that decision when we get back from our holiday. Gonna try my damndest to flamin' relax for a week now - can't see it though to be honest!!

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